Daily Attendance Matters
When your child misses school they miss important opportunities to learn, make friends and build skills through fun. Regular attendance at school is essential for your child’s educational achievement and to increase career and life options. Above 95% is the Department of Education’s expected students’ attendance. As a community, we want to work together to support students so that absences do not impact on their learning outcomes.
To support your child being at school each day, try these strategies:
· Promote benefits of attendance at home
· Ensure your child arrives to school on time each day and is ready to learn
· Set a routine. Ensure that bedtime and wake up time are consistent each day
· Pack school bag and prepare for school the night before
· Turn off electronic devices an hour before bed
· Plan any unnecessary appointments outside of school hours where possible
· Communicate any absences to the school.
The playground is not supervised before 8.30 am and after 3.00 pm. Your child, for his/her safety and welfare, should not enter school until 8.30 am. Children must remain seated on the K-2 seats until the teacher is on duty.
Please be punctual when collecting your child. If you are unavoidably detained, please contact our school office. Children who are not collected by 3.10 pm will be brought to the front office.
Late arrivals and early departures to school are recorded as partial attendances and are to be avoided. Please have your child to school on time each day and make appointments out of school hours as much as possible.
If your child is late to school, you must accompany him/her to the office to obtain a late note. If it is necessary to collect your child early you must come to the office to obtain an early leaver’s form. A message will be sent to your child’s class asking them to come to the office with their bag so that you can collect them. Please do not come to pick up your child during recess (11.00 – 11.30 am) and lunch (1.30 – 2.00 pm) as it can be difficult for students to hear announcements.
If you child is absent from school, it is Department of Education policy that a letter of explanation is sent to the school on the day your child returns. If your child is not at school, an SMS will be sent. You can respond to this SMS to explain your child’s absence.